Zahal Shalom of Bergen County is dedicated to healing and lifting the spirits of wounded Israeli Defense Force veterans.
Our compassionate volunteers open their hearts and homes to forge lasting, life-changing relationships that support the veterans and their hopes for the future. We in turn benefit from sharing our lives with them, and are proud to express our gratitude for their service to the State of Israel. Our program of cultural, educational, and social events enriches the lives of the veterans, promotes a sense of new opportunities, and fosters a bond of love and support.

Thousands of IDF
soldiers are wounded every single year.
Zahal Shalom's work is built upon helping aid and alleviate physical and mental injuries that soldiers suffer following their service in the IDF. In addition to a multitude of physical injuries, thousands of IDF veterans suffer from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Our programming is designed to enable our delegations to enjoy stress-free experiences in America.
soldiers injured since Israel's inception
cases of PTSD diagnosed annually
soldiers in rehabilitation
Proudly led by passionate and devoted volunteers.

Tali Blum
Tali became a member of the Executive Board in 2016 as Co-Vice President serving on several committees including Events, Fundraising and PR. In 2022 Tali fulfilled her lifelong dream of making Aliyah and is currently living in Israel. She continues to proudly lead the Zahal Shalom Organization and has become the liaison between our IDF veterans and American families.

Amanda Zonereich
Amanda has been involved in Zahal Shalom since 2008. She has served as both a buddy family and hosted five amazing veterans who have all become family! In 2017, she became a member of the Executive Board, serving on a number of committees including Fundraising and Publicity, and accepted the position of Co-President in 2021. She and her husband Davy and their two children are passionate about Israel and visit often.

Ellen Breger
Co-Vice President
Ellen, along with her husband David, started supporting Israel on a personal level in the summers of 2005 and 2008 by hosting Israeli teens whose lives were directly affected by terrorism. After traveling to Israel to visit their daughter while she was studying there, Ellen became aware of the Zahal Shalom program and was happy to host a disabled veteran in 2014 and has been hosting or buddying ever since. She is a Physical Therapist, which has been an asset to the program. As a co-chair of the food committee, she helps keep our veterans and American families well fed at events and day trips. She also uses her creative talents to ensure our gatherings always look festive and inviting. Ellen was excited to join the Executive Board in 2019.

Steve Kornblit
Co-Vice President
Steve serves on the Publicity and Fundraising Committees as well as being a NYC guide during delegation visits. Since 2005, Steve and his wife Susan have hosted seven veterans. Before Zahal Shalom, Steve had no relationship to Israel, but now has Israeli friends he considers family and has visited three times. He is currently planning a 2022 Zahal Shalom reunion in Israel.

Susan Kornblit
Susan serves as the Secretary of the Executive Committee. Along with her husband Steve, she has participated in Zahal Shalom since 2005 as a host to their first veteran. Since then Susan and Steve have hosted a total of seven veterans. Susan was born in New York to parents of German Jewish refugees escaping the Holocaust, and has a strong appreciation for the support and connection to Israel.

Jan Corwin
Jan serves as the Treasurer of the Executive Committee. Jan and his wife Debbie have been involved in Zahal Shalom as a host and buddy family since 2011. Before moving to NJ in 2006, they lived in California, where Jan was a chiropractor in Oakland. He currently teaches anatomy and physiology in local colleges. Jan loves being a part of Zahal Shalom and the warm community between Israel and Bergen County.

Amy Albalah
Amy, her husband David, and their family have been involved in Zahal Shalom since 2017. Their family's love for Israel inspired them to join. Amy has served on the Fundraising committee, including working on the annual gala, auction and Spring boutique. She currently serves on the Host and Buddy committee. Amy looks forward to linking new families with the amazing veterans. She and her family have developed special bonds and long-term relationships with all the veterans they've hosted and consider them all to be part of their family.

Israel Blum
Born in a Cypress detention camp before moving to Israel in 1949, Israel served as a technician in the IDF Air Force. In 1970 he moved to the US to attend college. Married to Sara and the father of 3 children and 2 grandchildren, Israel's been committed to Zahal Shalom since 1999. From 2017-2021 he served as Co-Vice-President with his daughter, Tali. Israel's humor, generosity and loving nature touch all.

Julie Calabro
Julie, her husband Stephen, and two daughters became involved in Zahal Shalom in 2017. They began as a buddy family and then hosted in 2018 and 2019. Julie served on the Fundraising committee as well as helping with social media before joining the Executive Committee in 2021. Being a part of Zahal Shalom became one of the most amazing decisions her family has made in their "second act."They have not only bonded with the veterans, but also made lifelong friendships with the families here in NJ. Julie and Stephen visited Israel for the first time in 2018 and reconnected with their dear veterans. Currently, Julie is studying conversational Hebrew through a Zahal Shalom organized class and hopes to learn how to better converse with the upcoming delegations.

Debbie Corwin
Debbie and her husband Jan have been involved in Zahal Shalom since 2011, serving many times as both host and buddy families. Debbie works in assisted living and has volunteered in multiple Jewish organizations. She is also a talented musician, and often leads lively sing-a-longs when the veterans are here. Debbie and Jan love visiting their Zahal Shalom families in Israel and make it a regular part of their life.

Sherry Frank
While on a women's trip to Israel in 2017, Sherry became aware of Zahal Shalom when her roommate, Amy Albalah, received a serendipitous call asking her to become a host family for the organization. Amy accepted and invited Sherry, her husband Stephen and their family to join as their buddy family. The experience was extremely powerful and rewarding. Her family's love and connection for Israel strengthened. All the veterans they've had the privilege to know have enriched their lives and they enjoy keeping in touch. Sherry has worked on the annual gala silent auction and the spring boutique, and is excited to bring her enthusiasm, creativity and dedication to the Events Planning and Outreach committees. Her family cherishes their involvement with Zahal Shalom and hopes to continue for many years.

Shelly Goldstein
Little did Shelly know when he traveled to Israel in 1971 to study geology, that he would meet his wife Susie. Shelly and Susie have hosted and buddied many veterans since 2011. He created a Zahal Shalom promotional video and worked on other public relations projects over the years. Shelly is happy to serve on the Executive Committee and plans to visit Israel and his many veteran friends in the years to come.

Susie Goldstein
Susie met her husband, Shelly, in Israel in 1971. Who knew that a girl from the Bronx and a boy from Brooklyn had to travel half way around the world to meet. The following year they got married. Susie and Shelly first hosted in 2011. Since then, they have been a host or buddy to many veterans. In 2017, after almost 40 years, they traveled to Israel and were greeted with open arms by many veterans. Susie has worked on fundraising and ran the auction for the galas. She is very excited to be on the Executive Committee and looks forward to welcoming many more veterans.

Alice Hefner
Alice’s love affair with Israel began with a NFTY high school semester in Jerusalem and on Kibbutz Kfar HaMaccabi. To date, her family has had the privilege to host or buddy nine Zahal Shalom veterans since 2006. She currently serves on the Host and Buddy Committee and looks forward to dusting off her ulpan Hebrew each year when the Zahal Shalom delegation arrives.

Jo Resnick Rosen
Jo has been involved with Zahal Shalom since 1999 when she, husband Michael and children Becca, Dan and Aviva hosted the first of three soldiers. Jo serves on the Programming Committee, leads day trips and is also a professional photographer who uses her talents to capture Zahal Shalomprograms. Since being a student at Tichon Hadash in Tel Aviv, she has traveled to Israel many times.

Stacey Rosen
Stacey has been involved with Zahal Shalom since 2016, when she and her husband Ritchard hosted their first veteran. Their love of Israel and their involvement in various Jewish organizations inspired them to join. Stacey has served on the Food Committee and this year was honored to be asked to join the Executive and Outreach committees.

Richard Schnaittacher
Richard has been involved with Zahal Shalom since 1998. He served as President/Chairman from 2007-2016 and now lends his guidance and expertise to the Executive Committee as President Emeritus. He lived in Israel for 8 years in Nave Monoson, a small town outside of Tel Aviv, and has dual citizenship. Richard is fluent in Hebrew and Mandarin Chinese.

Mindy Schultz
Mindy has been involved with Zahal Shalom since 2014, when her family hosted their first disabled veteran. Prior to joining, Mindy, her husband Jeff and their two sons hosted several Israeli teens affected by terrorism. She was naturally drawn to Zahal Shalom due to her passion for Israel, and approached the organization about opening her home for hosting opportunities. Mindy serves on the Host and Buddy Committee and enjoys bringing new families into the program. She also lends her graphic design skills to marketing materials.

Debbie Zingler
Debbie has been involved with Zahal Shalom since 2012, along with her husband Joel and their children, Gillian and Russell. Debbie grew up loving Israel from the first time she stepped off the plane in Tel Aviv with her family at 15 to celebrate her brother's bar mitzvah. To this day, she is still very close with the family of the tour guide from that trip. When she discovered Zahal Shalom, she knew this would be a way to stay connected and give back to the country she loves, as well as create new friendships and mishpucha! Debbie encourages everyone to participate in Zahal Shalom to truly understand the phrase "In our home for 2 weeks, in our hearts for a lifetime!"

2017 Delegation | Touring New York City